Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trip to Kampong Glam

Hi everyone,

Last Wednesday, 3G and 3H went for our NE learning journey to Kampong Glam. I hope besides having a good time, you have learned something about Malay/Muslim culture. We had a short walk along Arab Street, where we visited the Sultan Mosque, a shop selling traditional games where quite a few of you bought the 'gasing', and also the perfume shop - Jamal Kazura.

In future, there will be trips to Chinatown and Little India. So, why do Endeavour Primary and other schools in Singapore organise such trips?

Singapore is a multi-religious and multi-racial country. As such, for us to live harmoniously, it is important for all of us to know and respect the various cultural and religious practices. Our Social Studies teacher, Mrs Haris, will explain more about this in her lessons.

Back to our Kampong Glam trip, I was surprised that quite a number of you do not know what 'murtabak' (which Zam Zam Restaurant is famous for) is. So, I decided to buy a few packets of murtabak for you to try after the trip. At first, a few of you were a bit apprehensive to try it, but once you had your first bite, you couldn't stop asking for more. ;)

Well, I will be going down to Zam Zam Restaurant this evening with my family for some 'murtabak'. mmmmm...... Yummmyyy!!! Want to join me?

Mr Ramadhan

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