Friday, October 21, 2011

Homework - Fri, 21/10/11

Math Homework:
1. Math P3 SA2 Practice Paper
(Note: please try it within 1 h 45 min. Parents are encouraged to go through the paper with their child.)

2. Workbook 3B part 1
- please do pg 92 & Corrections

3. Process Skills
- corrections

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Math Holiday Homework

Hi children,

As the SA2 Exams are round the corner, please spend some time revising for all your subjects.

For Math, please complete the following:
1. corrections for Test 8
2. Review 7
3. Revision 4

See you on Friday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Children's Day : Party for 3G & 3H

Thanks to Mrs Goh who initiated the idea, we had a sumptous party.

A big thank you also to all parents who came down either to deliver the food or helped out with the preparations and also cleaning up of the area. The children had a great time!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Order of Class Photo

Hi everyone,

The class photos come in 2 sizes:-
1. 5R size : $3 each
2. 8R size : $6 each

The order form has been given to all students. Please return them to me, together with the payment, latest by Thursday, 6 October.

Thank you

Mr Ramadhan